Seventeen Days and counting until we leave for our Hurrican Katrina Relief trip to New Orleans.
Progress continues to be made on the plans for our trip. I have some important news to communicate with all of you.
1. Due to budget adjustments and responsible planning (not on my part I assure you) it looks like the trip is going to be costing us less than expected. Yeah
2. The missions council will be buying all the mold masks that are required so don’t worry about purchasing those. This will be done for you.
3. If you hear of anyone that wants to contribute money to the trip as a love offering or whatever please have them contact me, Gary S or Fella. We would like to be able to provide supplies for the Urban Impact free store down in New Orleans.
4. Remember the team blessing and send off at both services on the 29th and the meeting in between.
This whole thing is coming quickly. Wow, when I am going to get ready for this? Honey I need some help….
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